Summer 2021 has been a long time coming. It feels like we’ve been waiting for ages to get out and spend time with friends and family, and it’s a break well deserved! We’re still accountable to our responsibilities, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun.
How to Have Fun AND Get Things Done This Summer
So how can we balance work and play during the dog days of a post-pandemic summer? Read on to see our top tips for striking the right balance.
Set a Schedule
If you’ve been working from home this year, you’ve likely experienced a breakdown in the divide between your work and home life (but it can happen at the office, too). Sometimes it’s hard to know when to shut off. If you struggle with when to end your workday, you’re not alone—but it’s essential to maintain those boundaries and rebuild that divide. Set a schedule for yourself, so you know when to end the workday. Be sure to abide by it! There’s always tomorrow, and chances are, the work will wait for you.
Power Down
Once the workday is done, turn off your work devices: shut down your laptop and organize your papers somewhere out of sight. If you have a work cell phone, turn that off, too. Admittedly, it can be hard to put our devices away entirely since they’re both a source of work and play. But try to step away from the online world for at least a few hours every day. Get outside, connect with loved ones, or spend some quiet quality time alone (sans phone). Your devices will always be there when you get back.
In the Moment
Whenever and wherever you are, try to be there in that moment. We tend to get caught up in our heads, thinking about past failures or the demands of the future. Unfortunately, it’s not productive when we work, nor is it helpful when trying to relax. It’s much easier said than done, but try to stay grounded in the moment, whether you’re at work or play.
Consider Your Priorities
It’s easy for us to become swept up in our jobs. Day in and day out, work is on our minds, and we’re always trying to do our best and improve our productivity, performance, and pay. But it’s important to remember that we don’t live to work: we work to live. What is most important in your life? Your work is important, but don’t let it consume your life. Find what fills your cup, so you can use it to help fill the cups of others. When you’re replenished, you’ll be better equipped to do your job—and it won’t be as challenging to maintain that healthy balance.
Are you living the balance? It’s not easy but leading a more balanced lifestyle can help you be better in all aspects of work and life. Allow yourself the room to both work hard and enjoy the fruits of your labor. After all, what else are you doing this for?
And if you have too many projects and need an extra hand so you can take a breather, Business Workspaces is always ready to help. Talk to us today to learn more about our services.