There’s no denying it; this year has been challenging. Maybe tougher than any year in recent memory, for a whole host of reasons. It would be easy to look back at 2020 in the rearview mirror and write it off entirely.
Give Yourself a Pat on the Back
2020 was not a failure. In fact, it gave us some genuinely incredible innovation and showed us the tenacity of the human spirit. Whatever you did this year, give yourself the credit you deserve. Did you pivot your business model on a dime? Adapted to changing health regulations and kept taking classes from home? Ran a household and kept your kids safe and healthy for nine months? Chalk those up as a win.
But maybe you feel like you didn’t thrive this year the way you wanted to. Perhaps you look back on your 2019 resolutions and have a little chuckle. But let’s be realistic – just getting through this year is commendable in itself. It is hard to thrive when you’re busy surviving.
So, step one to finishing 2020 on a high note is to be gentle with yourself. Even if you don’t feel like you accomplished much, you did. The path you took from point A to point B is only visible in retrospect, so let’s take the time to realize how we got here and what we can do in the months ahead to continue building positive momentum.
Connect the Dots
Success is not always linear, but tracking your progress can help you see what worked and what didn’t. It will help you adjust your expectations, prioritize your goals, and encourage you to take realistic steps towards achieving them.
Throughout this taxing year, you undoubtedly learned some new skills or techniques to advance yourself or your business. It’s time to put those lessons to good use as you plan out the year ahead. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we should always expect the unexpected. Take that knowledge and run with it. Use it to create contingency plans, explore alternative business models, and become a proactive entrepreneur.
Take Small Steps
In business, as in life, becoming the best version of yourself doesn’t often happen with huge, life-changing choices. It begins with baby steps. That’s why New Years’ resolutions fail so often. Changing your life is about changing your habits, and that takes time. It’s also important to attach your future goals to an existing habit; start easy, and then add more as you strengthen your core abilities.
You’re not doing yourself any favors by setting yourself up for failure. Be realistic. Be gentle. Be patient. Carrying these qualities forward into the New Year will help you become the tenacious business person you’ve always wanted to be. Just take it one step at a time.
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