Even though it does have some drawbacks, there are more and more businesses migrating to the shared workspace options that we offer. This means that the noise levels are rising quickly in various workplaces, which also increases the distractions that workers are subjected to. Endless interruptions, annoying habits and talkative coworkers have led to much less productivity and more stress in open workplaces. As a result workers are trying to find ways to adapt to this new, and often complicated environment.
The majority of the offenses that take place in shared workplaces are due to the fact that other people do not realize they are happening. Some tips that will help you to survive in an open office are highlighted here.
If you have a deadline near, then you should let your co-workers know that you need to focus on the project at hand and this is for the overall good of the business. Be sure that you are direct and clear about the situation.
Use Humor
You should try to keep you tone light when you are asking others to keep it down. After all, you don’t want to look like you are a disgruntled employee.
Utilize Noise Cancelling Headphones
Using noise cancelling headphones have become much more popular with workers who are trying to function effectively in a shared office environment.
If you are really in need of a break, then you need to try and reserve a conference room at some point during the day where you will be able to be alone and able to get some work completed.
The fact is that with a few tips and smart thinking, shared workspaces can be productive, while saving your entire business money.